WRDS Databases

The following are databases that we are subscribed to on the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) platform. Sign-in to your WRDS account to see most up to date information on our data subscriptions.

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WRDS datasets are available to currently affiliated faculty, students, and staff on the UM Ann Arbor campus.

Database Description
Bank Regulatory Database contains five databases for regulated depository financial institutions. These databases provide:
  • accounting data for bank holding companies
  • commercial banks
  • savings banks
  • savings and loans institutions
The source of the data comes from the required regulatory forms filed for supervising purposes.
Beta Suite by WRDS This is a powerful web based tool allowing researchers to calculate stocks’ loading on various risk factors in a timely way. The tool is designed with flexibly in mind, capable of handling monthly, weekly and daily rolling regression on common set of market risk factors.
Blockholders This dataset contains standardized data for blockholders of 1,913 companies. The data was cleaned from biases and mistakes usually observed in the standard source for this particular type of data. Blockholders' data is reported by firm for the period 1996-2001. The data cleaning procedure is explained in detail by Jennifer Dlugosz, Rudiger Fahlenbrach, Paul A. Gompers, and Andrew Metrick in their study "Large Blocks of Stocks: Prevalance, Size, and Measurement".
BoardEx - North America and Europe Access extensive data on the boards of publicly listed and notable private companies of North America and Europe. Biographical data includes details such as age, gender, positions held, educational qualifications, compensation and stock holdings, as well as insights into the executive's professional network.
Bond Returns by WRDS Bond Returns by WRDS allows researchers to easily and effectively access cleaned datasets of corporate bond transactions, sourced from TRACE Standard and TRACE Enhanced datasets, along with a separate dataset for monthly price, return coupon, and yield information for all corporate bonds traded since July 2002.
Bureau van Dijk - Orbis The Orbis dataset in WRDS provides access to financials and interim-financials for industrial companies, banks, and insurance companies from around the globe. Orbis also has first level information for all subsidiaries and current shareholders.
CBOE Indexes Volatility Index® (VIX®) is a key measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices. The Vix Index was introduced in 1993 by Professor Robert E. Whaley of Duke University in his paper "Derivatives on Market Volatility: Hedging Tools Long Overdue," Journal of Derivatives 1 (Fall 1993), pp. 71-84. Since then, VIX has been considered by many to be the world's premier barometer of investor sentiment and market volatility.
The New VIX still measures the market's expectation of 30-day volatility, but in a way that conforms to the latest thinking and research among industry practitioners. The New VIX is based on S&P 500 index option prices and incorporates information from the volatility "skew" by using a wider range of strike prices rather than just at-the-money series.
Compustat - Captial IQ This suite of datasets provides access to S&P Global Market Intelligence data via WRDS. Our current subsciption includes access to :
Compustat Fundamentals provides standardized North American and global financial statement and market data for over 80,000 active and inactive publicly traded companies that financial professionals have relied on for over 50 years. The annual company data history available back to 1950 and quarterly data available back to 1962.
Provides access to executive compensation data collected directly from each company’s annual proxy statement (DEF14A SEC form). Includes information on annual and deferred compensation, pension benefits, plan based and long term incentive awards.
Capital IQ Capital Structure
Extensive debt capital structure for over 60,000 global public and private companies and equity capital structure data on over 80,000 active and inactive companies worldwide. Signficant coverage is available for debt between 2001-2019 and for equity between 1994-2019.

This data set is funded by the Mitsui Life Financial Research Center

Capital IQ Transcripts
Analyze historical transcript data and trends on 10,600 companies. Search full text of the transcripts, transcript details or speaker details.
CRSP The Center for Research in Security Prices maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq stock markets.
Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta- and cap-based portfolio, treasury bond and risk-free rates, and mutual fund databases. Stock/Security, Mutual Fund, and Stock/Events datasets are updated quarterly in February, May, August, and November and annually in February.
DMEF Academic Data Four individual data sets, each containing customer buying history for about 100,000 customers of nationally known catalog and non-profit database marketing businesses are available through DMEF to approved academic researchers for use within academic situations.
Efficient Frontier by WRDS This is an interactive tool to learn how risk and return characteristics change as stocks are added and removed from a hypothetical portfolio. The application is designed to help you visualize key concepts in diversification and portfolio optimization as you manipulate portfolio parameters and observe the results.
Event Study by WRDS The event studies are widely used by empirical researchers in finance, economics, accounting, law, and other business disciplines to analyze the market reaction to firm specific and market-wide events using either returns or volume around the time when event occurred.
Some examples include: earnings announcements, M&As, new capital issues, and announcements of macroeconomic variables (unemployment or trade deficit), measure impact on the value of a firm resulting from a change in the regulatory environment, or to assess the damages.
Fama French & Liquidity Factors The Fama-French Portfolios are constructed from the intersections of two portfolios formed on size, as measured by market equity (ME), and three portfolios using the ratio of book equity to market equity (BE/ME) as a proxy for value. Returns from these portfolios are used to construct the Fama-French Factors. Eugene Fama and Kenneth French showed that their factors capture a statistically significant fraction of the variation in stock returns (see "Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds", Journal of Financial Economics 33, 1993). The Fama-French data source is Kenneth French’s website at Dartmouth.
The Pastor-Stambaugh Liquidity series are described by L. Pastor and R. F. Stambaugh in "Liquidity risk and expected stock returns" (2003, Journal of Political Economy 111, 642-685). This set includes ‘non-traded’ and ‘traded’ liquidity factors, with the latter series derived from dividing common stocks (in the CRSP monthly stocks file data) into 10 groups based on each stock’s sensitivity to the ‘non-traded’ liquidity innovation factor (as described in the paper).
The Sadka Liquidity measures are described in R. Sadka in "Momentum and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Anomailes: The Role of Liquidity Risk" (2006, Journal of Financial Economics 80, 309-349). The measures are non-traded, market-wide, undiversifiable risk factors. Price impact is separated into permanent (variable) and transitory (fixed) price effects.
Federal Judicial Center WRDS has partnered with the Federal Judicial Center’s (FJC) to provide a litigation database and linking for all federal Appeals, Bankruptcy, Criminal, and Civil suits. The Federal Judicial Center's (FJC) Integrated Database contains data on all federal, civil, criminal, bankruptcy, and appellate court case information reported by the courts to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Coverage: mid-1969 through the present.
Federal Reserve Bank The Federal Reserve Bank Reports in WRDS contain three databases collected from Federal Reserve Banks: two of them come from Reports published from the Federal Reserve Board; the other one comes from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Foreign Exchange Rates (Federal Reserve Board’s H.10 Report). The WRDS FX database is based upon the Federal Reserve Board’s H.10 release and contains Foreign Exchange rates for over 30 world currencies and trade-weighted indices. WRDS carries all of these FX rates in currency units per U.S. dollar (e.g. yen/$ and a few are also available in "inverted form" (e.g. $/pound).
Interest Rates (Federal Reserve Board’s H.15 Report). The WRDS RATES database is based upon the Federal Reserve Board’s H.15 release that contains selected interest rates for U.S. Treasuries and private money market and capital market instruments. All rates are reported in annual terms. Daily figures are for Business days and Monthly figures are averages of Business days unless otherwise noted.", "description_before_fourth":"FRB-Philadelphia State Indexes. A set of coincident indexes for the 50 states has been developed at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, based on a national coincident index methodology developed by James Stock and Mark Watson. For details and documentation on the development of the state indexes, see Theodore Crone, "Consistent Economic Indexes for the 50 States" Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Working Paper 02-7, May 2002.
Financial Ratios Suite by WRDS WRDS Financial Ratio is a latest addition to the WRDS analytics platform. It’s a web based engine that delivers over 70 pre-calculated financial ratios for all U.S. companies across eight different categories (Valuation, Liquidity, Profitability, and etc). Researchers can easily obtain both firm-level and industry-level ratios through point-and-click on the web query. This product can be used by researchers as a convenient tool to obtain firm-level and/or industry-level ratios as characteristics for controls in empirical research.
Historical SPDJI (Dow Jones Averages 1896-2007) The Dow Jones Averages are comprised of The Daily and Monthly Dow Jones Composite (DJA), as well as The Dow Jones Industrial (DJI), The Dow Jones Transportation (DJT), The Dow Jones Utility (DJU), The Dow 10, and The Dow 5. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the best known U.S. stock index, and the Dow Jones Transportation Average, the oldest U.S. stock index were created by Charles Henry Dow, co-founder of Dow Jones & Company, and maintained and reviewed by the editors of The Wall Street Journal. S&P Dow Jones Indices is a division of S&P Global and the provider of this data.
The Dow Jones Total Return Indexes are introduced by Dow Jones Indexes as part of the Dow Jones Total Market Index Series. The Total Return Indexes account for reinvested dividends. Data for the Total Return Indexes is available after 1987.
IBES The Institutional Brokers Estimates System provides consensus and detail forecasts from security analysts, including earnings per share (EPS), revenue, cash flow, long-term growth projections and stock recommendations. IBES also provides management forecast (guidance) estimates for a variety of measures including EPS.
IHS Global Insight - Legacy Data IHS Global Insight offers the most comprehensive economic coverage of countries, regions and industries available from any source. Their collection of U.S. and international financial, economic and industry data is complimented by more than 225 analysts, researchers and economists whose expertise covers over 120 industries and 200 countries. Data form is currently not availble. Access through WRDS Cloud.
ISS ESG - Directors Data From Institutional Shareholder Services, this Universe of S&P 1500 companies —range of variables related to individual board directors (e.g., name, age, tenure, gender, committee memberships, primary employer and title, etc.
ISSM The Institute for the Study of Security Markets (ISSM) database contains tick-by-tick data covering the NYSE and AMEX between 1983 and 1992, and NASDAQ between 1987 and 1992. Each year of data is divided into two files, one for trades and one for quotes.
Linking Queries by WRDS These Linking Queries allow WRDS user to easily download link tables between various heavily used databases on the WRDS platform.
  • Bond CRSP Link allows users to directly link fixed income data at the individual bond level to the equity data from the CRSP database.
  • CRSP Compustat Link by CUSIP SAS code allows users to link CRSP PERMNO with COMPUSTAT GVKEY by CUSIP
  • FactSet CRSP Link links Factset’s security id as well as entity id with CRSP identifiers
  • IBES CRSP Link provides the historical matching of IBES TICKER with CRSP PERMNO.
  • Option Metrics CRSP Link provides the link between OptionMetrics SECID and CRSP PERMNO
  • TAQ CRSP Link provides the link between TAQ SYMBOL and CRSP PERMNO
  • TR Insiders - Boardex Link provides the link between TR Insider PERSONID and Boardex DIRECTORID.
  • Compustat Customer Segment Company Names - GVKEY Link provides the missing link between abbreviated Customer Segment (Supply Chain) Company Names to GVKEY.
  • Federal Judicial Center Litigation Compustat-CIK Link provides the link among Docket Numbers, Case keys, GVKEYs, and CIKs. Link is provided for Bankruptcy, Civil and Criminal data.
Mergent FISD Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) for academia is a comprehensive database of publicly offered U.S. bonds. Research market trends, deal structures, issuer capital structures, and other topics in fixed income debt.
MFLINKS The MFLINKS tables provide a reliable means to link CRSP Mutual Fund (MFDB) data that covers mutual fund performance, expenses, and related information to equity holdings data in the Thomson Reuters Mutual Fund Ownership data (formerly known as the CDA S12 data). Using MFLINKS allows a researcher to gather detail on holdings either for particular funds or fund families and groups of funds at specific points in time.
MSRB The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (MSRB) municipal market trade data are available to support the study of recent and historical municipal securities price trends, trade frequency and other characteristics of municipal bond transactions.
OptionMetrics OptionMetrics is the premier provider of historical options data for use in empirical research and econometric studies. Quantitative researchers and financial professionals leverage OptionMetrics data for purposes such as analyzing market movement before mergers and acquisitions; exploring the relationship between option prices and daily stock return serial correlation; and investigating possible cases of insider trading.
Option Suite by WRDS Option and equity level indicators derived from underlying option pricing data.
OTC Markets Access the most comprehensive closing quote, trade and security reference data for securities trading on the OTCQX, OTCQB, and OTC Pink Marketplaces.
Peters and Taylor TotalQ Extract data on firms’ “Total q” ratio and the replacement cost of firms’ intangible capital.
Researchers must currently have access to Compustat.
  • Total q = improved Tobin’s q proxy that includes intangible capital in the denominator.
  • Compustat firms, 1950 – 2015.
PHLX The Philadelphia Stock Exchange founded in 1790 is the oldest organized stock exchange in the nation. As one of North America’s primary marketplaces for the trading of stocks, equity options, index options and currency options, the PHLX continues to be a market leader in the development and introduction of innovative new products and services.
The PHLX trades more than 2,800 stocks, 740 equity options, 12 sector index options and 100 currency pairs. On the equity floor, PHLX's PACE (Philadelphia Automated Communication and Execution) system was one of the first automated equity trading systems on any exchange. The PHLX's Semiconductor Sector (SOX) Index Option has become one of the most actively traded sector index options offered by any exchange and serves as a widely quoted benchmark of the high-tech industry. Additionally, the Oil Service Sector (OSX) is the industry's most successful new sector index option. Furthermore, the PHLX's Gold/Silver Sector (XAU), KBW Bank Sector (BKX) and Utility Sector (UTY) are established in a highly competitive environment of other indices as leading industry indicators.
In perhaps one of the most important innovations since listed currency options themselves, the PHLX has created a unique market structure for the trading of currency options. Titled the United Currency Options Market (UCOM), it provides unprecedented flexibility and the availability of both standardized and customized currency options. Customized currency options offer choice of expiration date, strike (exercise) price, premium payment and any combination of 10 currencies currently available for a total of 100 possible currency pairs.
Public Data Public data on WRDS comes from a variety of sources in the public domain. WRDS converts the data into a consistent format and updates it on a regular basis. The databases are organized into content areas. Our growing collection currently includes:
  • Macro Economics
    • BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis. www.bea.gov . WRDS publishes the top series on GDP, Consumer Spending, and other national accounts.
    • BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics. www.bls.gov . WRDS publishes the top series from each of the main surveys, including the CPI, PPI, CES, and others.
  • Healthcare
    • HCUP - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. www.ahrq.gov/research/data/hcup. WRDS publishes data from the National Inpatient Sample. It examines individuals as patients, covering information about procedures and diagnoses during hospital inpatient stays and emergency department visits.
    • MEPS - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. www.ahrq.gov/research/data/meps. WRDS publishes selected Household tables which examine individuals as consumers, covering insurance coverage, and the use and cost of health services. WRDS also publishes Insurance tables, covering employers in the private sector and state and local governments on the health insurance coverage offered to their employees.
RavenPack News Analytics RavenPack provides real-time news analytics, including sentiment analysis and event data focused on business and financial applications from over 40,000 sources. Data includes news and social media content, allowing for comprehensive analysis of financial markets. RavenPack analyzes unstructured content from thousands of publications to extract information on named entities and financially relevant events in the public eye.
Research Quotient Research Quotient = percentage increase in revenue from a 1% increase in R&D. RQ is the output elasticity of R&D. RQ offers a universal, uniform, and reliable measure of a firm's R&D productivity.
SEC Order Execution On November 15, 2000, the SEC adopted new rules aimed at improving public disclosure of order execution and routing practices. As a result of Rule 11Ac1-5, market centers that trade national market system securities must make monthly, electronic disclosures of basic information concerning their quality of executions on a stock-by-stock basis, including how market orders of various sizes are executed relative to the public quotes and information about effective spreads - the spreads actually paid by investors whose orders are routed to a particular market center. In addition, market centers must disclose the extent to which they provide executions at prices better than the public quotes to investors using limit orders.
Data is available on WRDS through 2005, and is no longer updated.
Thomson / Refinitiv Michigan is subscribed to the following 4 databases from Thomson Reuters company:
  • Mutual Fund Holdings (s12)
  • Institutional Holdings (s34)
  • Insiders Data: The Thomson Reuters Insider Filing Data Files are designed to capture all insider activity as reported on SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) forms 3, 4, 5, and 144.
  • WRDS-Reuters DealScan: This database contains information on global commercial loan market. It also provides contract information for high yield bonds, private placements and hybrid financial structures.
TRACE Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine is FINRA's over-the-counter (OTC) corporate bond market real-time price dissemination service. Bringing transparency to the corporate bond market, it helps create a level playing field for all market participants by providing comprehensive, real-time access to corporate bond price information.
Introduced in July of 2002, TRACE consolidates transaction data for all eligible corporate bonds - investment grade, high yield and convertible debt. As a result, individual investors and market professionals can access information on 100 percent of OTC activity representing over 99 percent of total U.S. corporate bond market activity in over 30,000 securities.
The TRACE Historical Time and Sales data is available through WRDS. The information collected and disseminated for all publicly traded corporate bonds by TRACE includes the time of execution, price, yield, and volume.
For more information regarding TRACE, visit the FINRA TRACE homepage.
Trade and Quote (TAQ) Contains intraday transactions data (trades and quotes) for all securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and SmallCap issues.
US Patents by WRDS In line with the recent trend in increased usage of patent data in finance and accounting research, US Patents by WRDS provides easier access to patent data. Patent-level data is directly parsed from USPTO's XML files. Researchers can use this database together with the patent valuation data contributed by Kogan et al. The current version covers the years from 2011 to 2019.
World Indices by WRDS Country total return indices (with dividends). 40+ countries. Daily and monthly frequencies.

Other Databases

Besides WRDS databases, we are subscribed to several other research databases which are listed below.

You can access these databases (and many others) on the Kresge Library website.

Database Description
Kilts Center Data (Nielsen) Through a joint purchase between Ross Marketing Area, LSA Economics and Kresge Library Services, we have access to the following Nielsen data: Consumer Panel, PanelView Survey, PromoData, PanelView Surveys, Retail Scanner, and Ad Intel. Access is limited to Tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, PhD students, and Postdoctoral students on the Ann Arbor campus.
LSEG Workspace with Datastream and SDC Platinum LSEG Workspace is a web based platform providing access to information on global public & private companies including financials and filings analytics, global pricing data, company fundamentals, I/B/E/S® earnings estimate aggregates, Investext analyst reports, league tables, ESG data, and commodity data. LSEG Workspace was previously known as Thomson Reuters, Thomson ONE, Thomson ONE Banker, Eikon, and Refinitiv. Includes data from Datastream, WorldScope and SDC.

This database purchase is funded with assitance from Kresge Library, Mitsui Financial Institute, and the Paton Accounting Center

Prowessdx Note for Ross Users: Access is not available from computers on the Ross network. Use the UM VPN or connect to the Wireless network prior to accessing Prowessdx.
From the Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE), Prowessdx provides financial performance data for over 40,000 Indian companies. This includes listed companies, unlisted public companies and private companies of all sizes and ownership groups. It contains time-series data since 1990. The database covers the profit and loss statement, balance sheet and ratios based on these. In the case of listed companies it includes cash flow statement, quarterly financial statements, share prices, corporate action and daily total returns. Financial statements based on consolidated and standalone basis are available. Financial statements are standardised. The database does not suffer from any deliberate survival bias.

This database purchase is funded by the LSA Economics Department.

Orbis Historical Data ORBIS Historical Data Files contain a point-in-time snapshot of the ORBIS database. Financials are available from 1995 to June 2023. Ownership data is available from 2007 to June 2023. Data is available in structured sets of tab-delimited TXT files, and are updated twice yearly in June and December.